Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The Inspiration software program was very interesting to me. I have used mapping in an English class to get ideas on what to write about, but did not know there was software to facilitate this process. I think this program would make it very easy to learn. I like the way it helps to create an outline while you are brainstorming. It seems to be very easy to use, at least. I think this program would be very helpful in organizing ideas for response and research papers.
The best kind of writing activities are those that stimulate the mind, cause one to brainstorm for ideas and put those ideas in a logical order.  Being able to utilize computers in the classroom that may have access to the internet can facilitate this effect.  Combining the accessibility with programs such as Microsoft Word can really get the students minds going.  If the students were allowed to submit their assignments via computer or a teacher drop box on a school website, it could make the grading of those papers, easier for the teachers.  This could assist with organizing both the students and the teacher’s time.  If the papers are placed in a discussion board then the class can review the ideas of other students and comment on their ideas as well.
The Inspiration program can be a helpful tool in all levels of education. Technology is something our schools need in the classroom.  This program could benefit everyone in schools at all ages and levels of education.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (3rd ed.). Columbus, Ohio:  Pearson.

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