Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 7

There are many different types of writing activities that can be done in a classroom using technology.  As I read through the chapter I saw that it talked about collaborating with others students that were at different work stations using Writely.  This program allows students to collaborate on written works, by allowing the importation of documents from many different formats, sharing documents and allow collaborators to give input via e-mail, lets revisions to be made among many other things.  This tool I believe is a great activity that allows a class to freely express themselves.

When making a PowerPoint  presentation the many focus should be on the content of the main idea or purpose for the PowerPoint, NOT the visual effects of the the presentation which can distract the intended audience.  Some things to remember that may prevent the audience from becoming distracted can be simple.  Choose a font and stick with it, make it easy to read.  Don’t use too many transitional effects, it could make them focus more on the slides rather than you.  Chose a template that complements your presentation, not contrasts with it.  And keep your presentation short and sweet, if it is too long then you have lost the audiences interest.  I think that avoiding these types of pitfalls now that they are know should make it easy.

The use of different types of technology in a classroom in today's schools is becoming a necessity.  Making the lessons interactive and interesting to the students is the key to their success.  Using programs such as Writely and PowerPoint can help to facilitate this interaction but these programs and the students using them may need to be monitored to ensure they are being used to their potential.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. You're right Bill, I notice when people do their presentations and have too many different transitional effects I tend to focus on what is coming next than what they wrote. And when our future students start creating power points we have to be sure that they don't go over board with effects and fonts.

  2. I agree with everything you said except that technology in the classroom is a necessity. I think we are making it a necessity but it isn't one. Technology has taken a great leap in the past ten years and has had a definite impact on our school systems, but I believe we are focusing way to much on this instead of focusing on lectures and actually preparing our students for the real world.

  3. I agree that technology has become a necessity in the classroom. Kids today want to be entertained while being educated. That is the way they are learning best these days.
